Nike pitch deck concepts
Nike pitch deck
Nike pitch deck
Nike pitch deck
Nike pitch deck
Nike pitch deck

To display our appreciation for the Nike brand we created this fictitious concept with different style directions a Nike presentation could have. We wanted to capture Nike’s creative use of beautiful visuals and bold typography.
To display our appreciation for the Nike brand we created this fictitious concept with different style directions a Nike presentation could have. We wanted to capture Nike’s creative use of beautiful visuals and bold typography.

We used Midjourney and Visual Electric to generate some of these images. The idea was to see how brands can use AI in their presentations to quickly mock up visual concepts and ideas.
We used Midjourney and Visual Electric to generate some of these images. The idea was to see how brands can use AI in their presentations to quickly mock up visual concepts and ideas.

In below shots, we wanted to explore what Nike PowerPoint slides could look like. Here we played with dynamic gradient backgrounds and bold typography to push the boundaries of dull slides.
In below shots, we wanted to explore what Nike PowerPoint slides could look like. Here we played with dynamic gradient backgrounds and bold typography to push the boundaries of dull slides.

Disclaimer: Nike and the Nike logo are trademarks of Nike, Inc. This case study is for illustrative purposes only and is not affiliated with, endorsed by, or approved by Nike, Inc.
Disclaimer: Nike and the Nike logo are trademarks of Nike, Inc. This case study is for illustrative purposes only and is not affiliated with, endorsed by, or approved by Nike, Inc.
Disclaimer: Nike and the Nike logo are trademarks of Nike, Inc. This case study is for illustrative purposes only and is not affiliated with, endorsed by, or approved by Nike, Inc.
Disclaimer: Nike and the Nike logo are trademarks of Nike, Inc. This case study is for illustrative purposes only and is not affiliated with, endorsed by, or approved by Nike, Inc.
Disclaimer: Nike and the Nike logo are trademarks of Nike, Inc. This case study is for illustrative purposes only and is not affiliated with, endorsed by, or approved by Nike, Inc.